Important questions to ask before finalizing your financial plan

Creating a personal financial plan is indispensable especially with all the unpredictable economic and political turmoil in the world today. However, taking this first step isn’t enough to fully protect yourself from all these. Why?

The truth is, many people aren’t really getting the most of their financial plan just because they fail to get the right answers until it’s already too late. The good news is, you still have time to reflect on your own decisions and start making changes today by asking yourself these questions:

1.                    Am I choosing the right investment vehicle for my long-term goals?
Many factors—like taxes and inflation—have the ability to decrease the value or purchasing power of your income and this is the primary reason why finding the most appropriate investment option depending on your lifestyle and long-term goals should be on top of your list.

2.                  Do I have enough emergency fund for the rainy days?
According to financial experts, setting aside a 3 to 6-month-income worth budget for the rainy days is the most ideal amount for a reliable emergency fund. This will serve as an accessible alternative source for medical, professional, and even economic emergencies.

3.                  Do I have a diverse investment portfolio?
Diversifying your portfolio through spreading assets among different investment classes can help you lower the risks and fight inflation in the long run. This step will make sure that you won’t lose the entirety of your nest egg while having more opportunities to grow your money in the future.

4.                  Have I consulted an expert yet?
Both new and seasoned investors can agree that consulting a veteran financial professional is one sure way to seal a fail-proof financial plan. This is because even if you’ve done your homework and learned the basics, experience and wisdom from personally learned strategies will always beat the books.

For more details, personalized advice, and everything else related to creating a solid financial plan, visit LOM Financial’s website and arrange a consultation with one of its experienced advisors.
